Friday, April 26, 2024

Solar Part 1

We have been talking about installing solar power on the house for long time.  The other night the power went off and we used a battery operated fan in the bedroom to keep cool.  It was this moment that we decided unequivocally to get solar installed.

The island has had difficulty keeping up with power demands.  They have not embraced solar as an energy source. They keeping talking about it, studying it and trying to get the Netherlands to pay for it.

We have studied the solar idea ourselves. We talked to others who have installed it, got bids from solar companies, and calculated our savings on utility costs when solar is working.  Our biggest issue was where to put the equipment...which incudes two large batteries that need a maximum temperature of less than 90 degrees.  We considered several locations on the property.  We settled on building an equipment building next to our main electrical panel under the famous mango tree.

"In for a penny in for a pound"  

We decided to go all in with batteries so we could essentially be off grid. This week demolition and construction started for the equipment building.  This building will be 5 feet square, have a full size door and a tiny air conditioner to keep the tiny equipment building cool. This tiny building will house the two super heavy batteries and the inverter. Building this tiny building will be 1/5th of the total cost of the project. 

The order for solar panels and the equipment has been made.  It will take two to three months to get everything to the island.  China is the originating manufacturer and shipper.

Once activated, all of our electrical needs will be covered.  When we need additional power we will draw on the island power grid, but it won't be set up to put excess power back into the power grid.  The utility company only pays a minimal amount for power into the grid, and their other requirements just didn't make it a sensible option.  

The concrete top (roof) and all the walls are up.  Next week it will be plastered and the door will be installed. Rick and I will seal and paint the tiny equipment building. Then we are all set for equipment. 

Stay tuned for reports on our progress.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Squeaky Wheel

Once again it was time to get a new International Drivers License for our Europe trip this fall.  We went to the drivers license office, gave them all our documentation (passport photo, Bonaire license, and passports) and ask for a new license.  They instructed us to go to the OLB government office to pay for the item and then return with the receipt. 

We went to the OLB payment center and stood in line with 30 other Bonaire residents waiting for an opening.  The door on the OLB payment office has no outdoor handle.  A guard is stationed inside and only allows people in that are on his appointment list.  There is no way to get into the office without an appointment.  We left, discouraged but determined to get this task done in less than 3 months. We only needed 5 minutes to pay the cashier $16.75 each for our licenses.

We returned home to schedule an appointment online.  The first appointment available was July 4th, three months the American Independence Day and we usually party that day with the expats. I deemed this unacceptable. I sent an email off to the OLM Information center:

"It is ridiculous that I couldn't get an appointment to pay for and International Drivers license until July.  Today is March 3.  All I need is to give money to the cashier.  This should take 5 minutes.  I have to wait three months to pay $16.75.

You should be ashamed of your customer service and inability to provide good services to the residents of Bonaire. Please improve!  I would like an appointment in April."   

Six days later (Easter holiday was occuring during the six days) I received an email:

"Dear Sally,
We have scheduled an appointment for you on April 8 at 8:20 am.
Klant Contact Centrum "

We are now the proud owners of International Drivers Licenses. It took two weeks and a complaint email to the OLB to get action. My squeaky wheel skills are still intact.



As many of you know December is full of events for us.  Christmas is just one of the events we celebrated.  So here is a run down of the act...