Tuesday, March 30, 2021


We keep looking for a radio station(s) in English.  So far we have found radio stations in all sorts of languages, just none we can understand.

We also realized that we are very ignorant of the music industry of other countries.  We found that there are top 40 stations in Dutch and Spanish that have nothing to do with the American top 40.  Imagine that!

There are religious radio stations on Bonaire. Trans World Radio Bonaire constructed a superpower broadcasting site on the island in 1964 to broadcast Christian programs to Latin America. They try to reach millions of people living in Cuba, the jungles of Brazil and the surrounding Caribbean islands.

These are the towers for Transworld Radio.  They are visible from our house at night with red lights and you can see them in the southern part of the island.

Christian radio is not our cup of tea so we continue to search. In the mean time, we are happy to listen to our iPods on our little speaker or our laptops.


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