Saturday, March 13, 2021



I got lots of interest and help regarding the "Wash Day" blog.  My brother-in-law shared a link to Samsung washing machines.  My sister-in-law got connected to customer support at Samsung. My neighbor provided a few helpful hints too.  The best thing that happened out of all of this was that I found a translator on my Pixel 4a.  I can focus on an entire page of the Dutch owners manual for the washing machine and it will translate it into English in no time at all!

We got our first vaccination this past week and we have the card to prove it.  The island health department has an efficient process that includes registering on line, setting appointments via telephone, and obtaining the vaccination at a local spot that takes only 20 minutes.  The 20 minutes includes sitting in the waiting room for 15 minutes after the shot to make sure everything is okay.  We both feel fine after the vaccination with no side effects except a sore arm.

We have our second appointment scheduled as well, 4 weeks out.

We only had a few causalities from our shipping.  Some of my Tupperware containers were dented or broken which was no big deal.  My turtle from the Cayman Islands lost his head and a fin in transit.  This turtle has been repaired before a long time ago. We now refer to it as the "I didn't do it" turtle...if you want more information about this just ask Phil, Allison and Steph.  Let me know what they tell you. 

One of our Colorado friends, whom is waiting for the snow storm of the century to hit, asked if we had any snow.  I told him " It all melted into our pool".  

Stay warm and safe all you Coloradoans! And we will do the same.

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