Friday, April 23, 2021


People in Bonaire make food in their house and sell it on a Facebook web page called "Bonaire 4 sale". 

Recently, I saw a listing for cream puffs.  Mr. Fung makes cream puffs on the weekends and sells them.  You place your order online, he texts when it's ready, you drive to his house, he comes out and gives you your order. These were $2 each. He lives in a big modern designed home 3 minutes from our house. He must do this for fun.

Lionfish are an invasive species in Bonaire.  They eat everything. There is open season on Lionfish all the time.  Spear fisherman can take as many as they want.  No limit on anyone hunting these fish.  So there is this guy that makes lionfish soup from his home.  He makes a small batch, freezes it and sells it for $5 from his house.  Again, you text on "WhatsApp" , place an order and go pick it up. 

Here is our addition to homemade.  These are golden mangos from our Mango trees.  They have been green since we got here in February and have now turned golden and ripened.  Mangos fall to the ground each day.  Rick retrieves them and we eat them with our breakfast yogurt.

The harvest is like all the oranges and lemons that ripen all at once in Arizona. In Bonaire, the mango trees produces way more than we can eat. Everyone tries to give them away before they spoil.   Many people put them outside their gates for free pick-up and anyone that visits leaves with a mango or ten.  These are also the favorites of the donkeys that roam the area as well as the parrots (known as Lora's in Bonaire).


  1. Those cream puffs look scrumptious!! I need to learn how to make them. :-)

  2. The mangos look tasty and I bet they are so much better than the ones I can get at the store. The only thing I don't like about them is the pain it is to get the food out of them

  3. We have been reading your blog every week! Love it!! I think of you guys often with envy many days and awe other days. Tree is wondering about your diet. Is it all fish or do you have access to beef, pork or chicken? Miss you❤️

  4. Mr. Fung sounds like a good guy to know! His pastries look pretty darn good! Those lion fish are so pretty, too bad they are nasty little buggers!

  5. Love ❤️ your blog. Miss you my friend



As many of you know December is full of events for us.  Christmas is just one of the events we celebrated.  So here is a run down of the act...