Thursday, May 13, 2021

Hair Cuts #2

Rick and I have been giving each other haircuts. Although we each gave it our very best, neither of us was deliriously happy about the results.  

Going on the recommendation of friends, I made an appointment at "Scissors" a cute little salon on the north end of Kralendijk. Aranska, our new stylist, is from Holland and has lived on the island of a year.  She learned English in high school and also speaks what ever they speak in Finland in addition to Dutch. Her English is not great but enough to communicate with us.

I also made an appointment for Rick the following day. Now looking at the picture we are really getting grey.  I also scheduled a color as I am not ready to be all grey, yet.



  1. I am also thinking about getting some dark frosting added!

  2. Can't believe how brave you've been cutting each other's hair! But you both look happy!


Solar Part 1

We have been talking about installing solar power on the house for long time.  The other night the power went off and we used a battery oper...