Wednesday, June 9, 2021


I now know more about ants than I ever wanted or needed. Living in a tropical location means you have to deal with these little buggers.  Here is what I have learned....

The houses in Bonaire are built with cinder blocks. Electrical channels are built into the walls. The ants use the electrical system to travel throughout the house to find water and food. They build nests inside the walls.

I had three types of ants at the house:  carpenter, ghost and crazy ants (crazy was the exterminator's term for the ants name, not mine).

The carpenter ants live on the outside of the house and were hanging around our front door which is wood.  They were sprayed. I hope they all die immediately.

The ghost ants are tiny creatures that travel in gangs.  They show up out of nowhere and pounce on any crumb that is on the kitchen counter.  The crazy ants run fast in all directions.  I can never tell where they come from or where they are going because they just run around on the counters.  Both travel through the electrical system and live in my walls.  Yikes!

The exterminator did not spray inside the house.  He placed dots of killer gel on the outlets, walls, corners and around the bathrooms.  The ants will walk through the gel and take it back to the nest for the kill. Ingenious.

I hope this all works and fast.  I will keep you abreast about my pest control efforts.


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