Friday, June 25, 2021

Coffee Creamer

I take milk/cream in my coffee.  It has been a long journey to find something that will work for me since the island milk products are not the same as in the US. 

All dairy products are shipped into the island.  The fresh milk products have a short shelf life and come in gallon jugs. This means that the milk goes bad before I can use it all.  I have been on a quest to find a coffee creamer that comes in a small amount that tastes like milk or cream.

The island also ships in "dairy" products that don't require refrigeration until they are opened.  This doesn't seem right.  What is in those bottles and packages that keeps them from spoiling?

I have tried Chobani coffee creamer.  It is too sweet and comes in a big carton. I tried the store brand Barista Amandel. This is almond milk that has no flavor, not even almond. Then I tried Koffie Melk which is an evaporated milk product from Holland. It comes in a small bottle but tastes like evaporated milk. YUCK!

I have settled on Bonaire Cream. Comes in a bottle with screw top, tastes exactly like Irish cream, lasts a long time, and makes my coffee taste great.


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