Friday, July 16, 2021

Only on Bonaire

I didn't think that Bonaire produced agricultural products. But they do. I purchased eggs the other day and the carton read "made on the Island of Bonaire".  There is a chicken farm somewhere on the island.

This guy was cleaning the beach at Sorobon.  I noticed he had this long tube from his head to his butt and then tied onto his belt.  It encased his long hair and or dreadlocks. He had a crocheted cover for his hair that was longer that he was tall.

This salon and spa got really creative.  To appeal to any visitor in any language, they published their services under 22 different flags and 13 languages.

Hermit crabs apparently live all over the island.  We found one in our palm tree (look to the center of the photo and then to the upper right just a little, within the trunks is a hermit crab). We have also had one in our pool that was certainly lost.  We fished him out and returned him to dry land.  Since they change their shells on a regular basis, I have decided to leave all the little shell that were in the house outside so the crabs will have their choice for new homes. 

We laughed at the weather report that called for rainbows.  We thought it was a typo or a poor translation. It really was a weather prediction. Today, while on our drive to the beach we saw our first Bonarian rainbow. 

Only on Bonaire will they sell you a whole tray of takeout Sushi on an 80 degree day. This tray was made up by a Sushi chef named Jamie that works out of a junk yard/restaurant in a dilapidated neighborhood called Tera Cora. We took it home and ate it all and lived to tell about it.



1 comment:

  1. Oh my! Not sure if this is such a good idea but when in Rome do as they do.


Shipping Furniture

Two years ago we turned our small third bedroom into a media room.  We took out the twin bed and sold it to some nice island girls. We purch...