Friday, July 30, 2021

Patio Rennovation

We have completed the renovation of our back  patio. We took down a palm tree that was growing through the bamboo roof and getting too tall to trim by ordinary means. Our gardener took a chain saw and cut sections of the tree down and carried them off to the landfill.

This is the before photo of the tree going through the roof.

This is the after photo.  We made the palm tree stump into a table, covered the roof hole with bamboo, and rehung the bamboo hanging chair. We also had the lighting redone.  Now, we have a nice seating area without a tree blocking our view.  It is also a cleaner space since we don't have the palm tree dropping all it's blooms, seeds and fronds.

We repurposed a wood table top for the palm stump table. It fit perfectly which never happens for us when we are renovating.

Project completed.


Solar Part 1

We have been talking about installing solar power on the house for long time.  The other night the power went off and we used a battery oper...