Monday, July 19, 2021


Bonaire is prime turtle territory.  From May through November, sea turtles come ashore to lay their eggs. 

Our morning walk on the beach was very exciting as we saw these turtle trails.  The tracks came from the sea and headed up the beach to a mound of sand.  First time we have ever seen turtle tracks and egg mounds! Usually by morning the tracks have been washed away.

Sea turtles deposit 100 eggs in each nest and lay between 3 and 7 nests during the nesting season. We saw four tracks and nests.

So if you think walking on the beach is all fun and games...think again.  Hit a rock with my foot and it ripped open.  It's really great to have an open wound with salt water washing it....Ouch. Rick hit the same rock and dinged his arch and ankle.  This is going to slow us down for a few days.
We were also able to catch a bad photo of three flamingos who cut away from the herd 
(actually a group of flamingos is called a Flamboyance).  They were feeding along the road which is an unusual sight.  They are usually miles away in a protected area.

So there you have our morning:  turtles, toes and flamingos.


  1. Your flamingos are good! They match my herons!
    Very exciting about the turtle tracks!

  2. I love to see the turtle tracks. These are my favorites. The flamingos are beautiful!


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