Monday, August 2, 2021


We have been exploring the interior of the island. We have found some high spots that gave us a great view. As you can see it's pretty flat with a few mountains (hills) in the background. 

We also discovered a Flamingo preserve and interior water ponds with mangroves.
Bonaire has a mini-golf facility that is located just a few miles from this pond.
This is a view of Lac Bay an interior bay. Century plants grow all over the island.  They have these tall tree like blooms that grow to 15-20 feet tall. 

We love the sunsets here when there are clouds to pick up the colors of the setting sun.  We call it the "after burn". This was taken from the street by our front door. Probably its the only sunset photo we have that does not include the sea.



The house is a constant repair and update project.  Most building materials do not last in this weather. The salt air and soil, water, wind ...