Thursday, October 7, 2021


We are getting a double whammy on the island.  We have Sahara dust and ash from the exploding volcano on the Canary Islands.  Makes for great sunset photos.

The wind has picked up on the island.  Which makes the skies hazy and lays a layer of dust and ash over everything.

And to top it off, we are in the hottest part of the year with temperatures in the 90's that feels like 104. Rainy season started October 1.  No rain yet.

High season starts in November.  The good weather returns as do more tourists.

The wind has affected our wine drinking.  The stemmed glasses teeter in the wind and threatened to topple our wine.  We finally changed to stemless glasses.  We also started uses thermal cups.  T
hey don't sweat and they keep things cold. Win-Win for us.

There is also a growing season in Bonaire.  It starts in November when the cooler temperatures return.  We planted our tomatoes in August....bad timing.  We do have tomatoes growing but the plants looked stressed no matter how much we water.  We have erected a sun shade over our plants to keep them out of the sun while the shade/screen/green house gets built.

Rick bought live Mexican Oregano plants (six of them) while we were in the States.  We carried them through Georgia and Florida without TSA saying a word.  Looked like a pot plant so we carried a receipt identifying them as oregano. In college we called pot oregano....apparently that is no longer a thing.


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photo of the sunset and I wouldn't be happy with the ash from the volcano.
    I wouldn't want all that hot weather and would be sad with no rain. That's great you planted some tomatoes and other things. Good Luck on growing them


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