Monday, November 15, 2021

Snack Tour

The snack van tour was a hoot.  It was nothing like we expected.  We traveled in a small van with expats from the US and Canada. Our van driver and tour guide lives on Bonaire and knows all the local spots.

The snack places were all in local neighborhoods that we could never find on our own.  Drove around dirt roads and hidden snack bars.  We drank beers at each one and tasted the local food.

These hidden snack shacks cook up a variety of fish dishes, goat stew (also iguana stew) and sandwiches. Locals eat at these places.

This was the largest snack place we saw. Most of the places were small with an order window and two tables outside. Several have karaoke and dancing on the weekends.  They speak Spanish or Papiamentu...not English or Dutch. Our tour guide, Brenda, translated and ordered for us.

These are not tourist places.  They are local restaurants in neighborhoods.  Drinks and food are cheaper at these spots....if you can find them.  We have a whole new group of places to experience that are part of the local culture and serve local food.

We also met some really nice people that we will be hanging out with in the future.



  1. Very cool that you took the snack tour. I'm not sure the food you mentioned sounds too yummy to me (I'm not much of a fish person (although fresh fish is different) and have no desire to try goat or iguana stew) :-)



As many of you know December is full of events for us.  Christmas is just one of the events we celebrated.  So here is a run down of the act...