Saturday, December 18, 2021

Car Wash

What better time to have a charity car wash then during rain and mud season!

Our next door neighbor's daughter, Quinn (pictured), is raising money for her water polo team to travel to Miami for a tournament. Of course, we bought a ticket and headed off to the kids' car wash.


Behind the Budget Marina building a car wash line was assembled and work began.  Power washing was done by the Dad's.  The kids seemed more interested in spraying each other with water.

Soaping-up was the next station.  Again, the Dad's seemed to be working the hardest.  The car in front of us actually had a few kids helping out. 
Final stage was the wipe down.  Our car (not pictured) was sparkly clean for about 5 minutes.  We drove home on the muddy roads and through the mud puddles that cover the dirt roads to and around our house.

But was for a good cause.

1 comment:

  1. Your descrption of your way home I thought of the Christmas song Over the river and through the woods. You could make up a new song...


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