Sunday, January 16, 2022

Mosquito Tennis

Mosquitos are a real problem on Bonaire.  During rainy season they are really prolific. We make sure that we don't have sitting water in our plant pots or another item that catches rain.  These are the breeding grounds for mosquitos.

We were told about bug zappers sold at the Chinese markets.  We got two.  They look like tennis rackets with rechargeable batteries. 

It takes 10 hours to charge the swatter. It can be used for 10 days before needing recharging. The swatter is a three-layer mesh structure.  Mosquitos fly into the net and get zapped by a high voltage sent through the net.

We were skeptical of it working.  We usually spray ourselves with bug repellent on a regular basis.  The early morning and evenings are the worst. The mosquitos are small and it's hard to see them.  They munch you before you have a chance to swat them.

We are believers now. It makes an electric  zap noise each time it catches and fries the mosquito. "Mosquito Tennis" is a very satisfying activity.


1 comment:

  1. Ick I don;t like mosquitos and I would hate you get so many. Too funny about Mosquitos tennis. Those are strange looking, but hopefully they do a good job. How long is the rainy season that you have to look at for them?



As many of you know December is full of events for us.  Christmas is just one of the events we celebrated.  So here is a run down of the act...