Friday, January 21, 2022


This is a once in a lifetime event.  We got up at 6:30 am drove to the east side of the island to see the sun rise at 7:00 am.

We don't ever get up that early.  But we wanted to see what all the fuss was about when it comes to sunrise.  We set our alarm and bounced out of bed and headed out.  It was cloudy this morning which made for a beautiful colors but no bright sun. 

Seeing the light behind the clouds and over the ocean was really spectacular.


We were surprised to find others awake at this un-Godly hour.  We saw walkers, runners, bicyclists, donkeys and goats.  There were also lots of people driving to work. We thought we would be the only ones up that early.

It occurred to us that sunrise is not much different than sunset in terms of color and lighting. However, it is much calmer on the west side of the island.  This is a picture of a kit boarder at sunset.  There are no waves to contend with on the west side of the island and it is much more serene. There are also lots more people on the beach at sunset watching the event.

No more sunrises for us. We will continue to show you sunsets....because they look alike.  Just pretend its a sunrise. I am going back to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful sunrise/sunset photos!! If I ever plan to visit, I'd see the sunrise everyday :-)
    Amazing photo of the kit boarder



As many of you know December is full of events for us.  Christmas is just one of the events we celebrated.  So here is a run down of the act...