Friday, February 25, 2022

Pickles and Jalapenos

Shopping on the island is like a scavenger hunt. We scour all the stores on a regular basis mentally logging what they have and don't have in stock. Each of the grocery stores and Chinese markets carry different band items.  What they have one week does not equal what they have the following week.  It depends on what comes on the boat.

The latest was a search for dill pickles.  Part of the problem is the packaging is all in Dutch.  When I use the translator it doesn't tell me if its dill, sweet, sour, or sweet and sour.  I have asked other shoppers (the Dutch speaking kind) to tell me which ones are dill and they have been unable to locate them.  We have found American brand dill pickles in the past. It has been a month of searching and waiting for deliveries and restocking.

When one store is out of a fresh item they all are out.  I was hunting for Jalapenos.  Searched store after store to no avail. We also employ the use of other expats intel to find item.  It is a regular conversation among expats and is like playing "Go Fish".

This supply system creates hoarders.  Once you find something on the shelf you buy as many as you can because you never know when you will see it again.

I am off in hunt of pickles and jalapenos....


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