Monday, May 23, 2022

Land Sailing

We went land sailing today.  Well actually, Rick and our friends went land sailing.  I was grounded because of recent eye surgery. I cheered them on from the side of the track.

A couple from New Zealand, who are competitive land sailing professionals, opened up a track on Bonaire several years ago.  Since the wind always blows in Bonaire it was perfect spot for them to open a recreational land sailing site. The track is on the northeast side of the island.  The location has spectacular views of the ocean with waves crashing onto the rocky shore.

The carts (called blokarts) have no motor just three wheels and a sail.  It is all powered by wind.  A rope is used to control speed with a steering bar for maneuvering the corners. They give you a briefing, helmet and gloves and you are off to enjoy the track and sailing.

You can go a fast or slow as you wish. The track runs clockwise which is the New Zealand way ( Americans only have clockwise tracks for racing).

Its a nice long track with two turns, a pit stop area, and shortcuts. After the first couple of laps you are an experienced land sailor. 

The owners say any age person can do this because it is relatively easy and safe. They also give discounts to residents of the island.  For $20 you can have a great time.

Next time, and there will be a next time, I will join the group in lapping the track.



  1. How fun does that look!!! How fast can you go on them??!! I totally would want to do that if I ever get out there!!
    I didn't realize you had eye surgery, so what did you have done? Was it completely successful?

  2. I've never even heard of anything like land sailing. You find the neatest stuff to do.


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