Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Window Saga #3

When the windows were being installed, they found one window that was too small.  The installers left with one window remaining to be set in place.  The workmen, in their broken English, said we would need to speak to the office for an answer.  We  also tried to get them to caulk the outside of the windows.  To which the workman said:  "we only do what the office tells us".

We call the office.  The manager tells us he thinks he has enough material to rebuild a new window that fits and we should have it in one week.

In one week, the installers return and replace the new window. Again, they caulk the inside and leave the outside without caulk. We notice, while washing the window (they only install and do not wash or clean up) that the tint on the new window does not match the other windows. We call the manager.

A nice young Dutch man, who recently bought the window company, comes to our house to inspect the windows.  Sure enough, he sees the tint is not correct.  He will send someone out to replace the window glass. He informs us that they don't like using the local available caulk for the outside of the windows as it does not perform well.  He is waiting for a shipment of good caulk.

In the meantime, I posted the old windows on market place for free if someone wants to pick them up.  Understand that the old windows had no handles, only a few screens, they didn't close and most couldn't open. Some got bent in the replacement process. Nevertheless, I had 20 people respond that they would take the old windows.  A young woman who is building a house came and got the windows.  She has been saving for 10 years to buy land and build. The locals are very poor and the housing prices have skyrocketed here making it impossible for them to find and afford housing.  Free windows enabled her to enclose her house. 


1 comment:

  1. Fritz sold the business? Hopefully the new owner will have better time management!


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