Monday, June 27, 2022


A tropical storm is forming and models show it may cross over the ABC Islands.  It may just blow over (no pun intended) or turn directions or calm down to just rain.  The Caribbean Weather site suggests that we prepare for the worst and break out our hurricane kits. 
This was a good opportunity to try out our preparedness.  We have no idea how long the storm will last or if we will be without power and water.  This will be a practice run for us.  We sanitized our water storage containers and will fill them in the coming days.  We shopped for non perishable food items. We stocked up on batteries.  Our flashlights all work.

We charged every electronic devise and power storage items.  We downloaded books on our readers.  We tied down all of our hanging lights, and secured our decorator items so that they would not blow away.  All of the furniture pads, pillows and couch pads are stored inside.  We froze several blue ice blocks in case our freezer/fridges loose power.  Our gas grill has two full propane tanks.  We left our pool water level low so when it rains it won't overflow.  We are ready.

The normal people on the island, just went to the liquor store and called it good.


  1. I went to the liquor store yesterday and everyone was there stocking up. Busier than VDT.🤣

  2. Sounds like you are all set! Smooth sailing.

  3. You should have been one of the normal people.


Shipping Furniture

Two years ago we turned our small third bedroom into a media room.  We took out the twin bed and sold it to some nice island girls. We purch...