Sunday, January 29, 2023

Hot vs Cold

I used to think that soup was for cold days when it was snowing outside and you had a fire in the fire place. It is usually 80+ degrees in Bonaire and eating hot soup just seemed wrong. 

I gave it go this week. Our local lunch spot had a special of Sopa de Pollo (chicken soup).  They chop up chicken- bones and all, cook with whole potatoes in a rich broth. A side of rice is served with it. It was delish! And Yes, you can eat hot soup on a hot day.

We used to shovel snow all winter.  We shoveled snow for 30 years. We traded our snow shovel for a squeegee.  After it rains, Rick now uses a big squeegee to get the water off the patio and walkways.  Instead of taking hours, it takes minutes to clear the water from our patio. There is no shoveling!
We traded our snow skis for scuba and snorkels.



  1. I think you gave up the right things! Love the scuba picture! Not sure about the "bones and all" though.

  2. The soup sounds tasty!! I do like the picture of you scuba diving so did you go with others so that you could get the picture taken? I don't mind shoveling or snow blowing the snow although we ended up getting quite a few days of it snowing just enough that I had to shovel it and I was getting a bit grumpy. I still prefer the snow to the sun :-)

  3. I’d pick squeegee over shoveling snow.


Shipping Furniture

Two years ago we turned our small third bedroom into a media room.  We took out the twin bed and sold it to some nice island girls. We purch...