Thursday, January 12, 2023


We get first run movies on Bonaire.  They are in English with Dutch subtitles.  The subtitles are usually ignored except when they are translating a language other than Spanish, French or whatever the Avatars speak. We miss those translations because they are in Dutch.

We have two options for movies:  1) an outdoor theater with a huge screen and big sound system where you can bring your own chairs (or use the ones the theater provides) and sit at tables and drink while watching the movie; and 2) an indoor air conditioned theater with big rocking theater seats that's just like the US theaters only a little smaller. Beer and wine can be purchased as well as snacks for both theaters.  It's a cool set up.

I usually go to the movies with Rick.  I had a date for Avatar The Way of Water.  One of our friends, Mark, has a wife that doesn't like sci-fi/fantasy type movies.  Rick did not want to sit in the theater for three plus hours to see Avatar. So Mark and I went together.  It was the first time I had been to the theater with a man other than my husband.  It was a really great movie and the animation was spectacular. My date was pretty good too!

We also saw the Whitney Houston I Wanna Dance movie.  It's not our usual choice of adventure/action shows but our musical expat couple (an opera singer and teacher at Emory University and a really good saxophone player) suggested we all go together.  It was a super good movie and, of course, the music was really fabulous. We sw this one in the outdoor theater under the stars.

Wakanda Forever was another long film that was showing at the indoor theater.  Once again, Rick was unwilling to sit for long in the theater seats which he deems uncomfortable.  I went with a girlfriend.  

The translation from the Wakanda language into Dutch  subtitles was not very fulfilling for us.  We only got about half of the movie dialog because the other part was in Dutch. It had a good story line and great action sequences.

I am not a Siskel or Ebert but those are my takes on recent showings in Bonaire.


1 comment:

  1. I'd have to agree with Rick about sitting that long for a movie. It sounds like a movie that I'll wait for it to come out on DVD so I can watch it in our home. Of the 3 movies I might only be interested in Whitney, but I'm not even sure about that.


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