Tuesday, January 3, 2023

New Years 2023

New Years fireworks on Bonaire were once again a fabulous show over the water.  We were on the beach looking toward Kralendijk.  The fireworks  show went on for 45 minutes and then extended throughout the island the rest of the night. It is a fabulous show and the beach was packed with onlookers. It's one of the most amazing celebrations we have ever seen.

Rick and I managed to stay up late to see the fireworks. It was the first time we had felt good in a month and were were ready to party.

New Years Day we opened a bottle of Prosecco and had fresh squeezed orange juice. We downed our traditional orange cinnamon rolls and proceeded to drink the whole bottle of Prosecco. Let me just say that we are way out of practice and our endurance for consumption is low at best.  We were napping by the afternoon...sleeping off the alcohol. We were dragging the whole day because of our over indulgence.

This will be the third year for our island living adventure.  It certainly feels like home and we really love living on Bonaire. 

Happy New Year everyone! I hope its a healthy and happy year for all of us 💖


  1. Nice firework show....have another wonderful year on the island

  2. Happy New Year to both of you!! I hope also you both have a healthy and happy one!!. Very nice fireworks and how cool to be able to watch them on the beach


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