Saturday, April 22, 2023


Each barrio on Bonaire has their own bakery, meat store, fish monger, snack bars, restaurants and various grocery stores.  These are hidden away in residential areas. There are none in Belnem where we live.  Our area is newer and much less of a community and has little cultural appeal. 

Someone has to tell you about these food vendors or you would never know about them. A long time resident of Bonaire told us about the "Chicken Lady" at Latino Grill.  We went with our guide to go foraging for good food,  After wandering around a bit we started smelling the smoked meats and followed our nose to the right place. Every Saturday by 10:30 am a line begins to form at the Latino Grill for rotisserie chicken, smoked ribs, and fresh bread.

The Chicken Lady is also serves pumpkin or banana pancakes for  $1.00 each. We ordered a couple of those to go with our chicken order.
Next on our discovery voyage, was Zarpin, a fish monger on the island.  We have heard about this little place in a blue house where you could get fresh fish everyday around 3:00 pm.  We could never find it and now we know where it is...right around the corner from the Chicken Lady.


1 comment:

  1. How directions to Zarpin, we have been looking for years.



As many of you know December is full of events for us.  Christmas is just one of the events we celebrated.  So here is a run down of the act...