Friday, June 30, 2023


Mules: humans that carry goods (sometimes contraband) to those of us who miss American goods and need them hand carried. 

Our mules have gone to great lengths to bring us goods. They have frozen food items carried in cold packs in their luggage, brought extra suitcases filled with requested stuff and even surprised us with special goodies. 

I needed aluminum foil because I can only get Chinese foil that is paper thin.  I asked for Reynolds Wrap that I thought would be one roll of 50 feet.  Instead, I got two rolls of 500 feet each. The luggage weighted a ton and required checking instead of carry on. I will never need to buy foil again!

I asked some friends who where traveling to the US for a short trip to bring back Vitamin B-12. My buyers (mules) had many questions including the size, liquid or capsules, three pack or just one bottle. I need to know more about what I am asking for before I expect my mules to make purchases.

One mule brought me a surprise of green chili from Santiago's in Arvada.  We loved it so much that the next visitor who came was asked to bring more green chili.  It became their mission to find it and bring it to me.  This was not without difficulty.  It was hard to find due to supply, they used a cold pack to carry it and even put it in a freezer in Miami on a layover.  They brought not one but two packages of green chili. The mission was completed. I now have a freezer full of green chili.

And then there are the surprises. Our recent mules brought our favorite girl scout cookies. It one of those things that we just can't get on the island. It's very American to have girl scout cookies. What a nice surprise! 

Sometimes you just need an Amazon delivery to make your day.  The Baggallini was a welcomed replacement for my worn out cross body bag.  Mules lend their address for shopping and then hand carry the Amazon order to Bonaire.  It's not one day delivery but it is still magical to receive an order within a week. 

Dutch chocolate is good but not as good as the orange chocolate we add to Rick's gelato.  This was hand carried by a Mule (visitor), two actually, at our request. It's our favorited chocolate.  Now we have a supply that should last us a week or two. 

Thank you to all The Mules that have transported goods to Bonaire.  We love your visits and the all the stuff you bring! 


  1. Always happy to get a new title, smuggler/mule. It was a pleasure to shop for and bring goodies to you!

  2. Look like Christmas for you


Shipping Furniture

Two years ago we turned our small third bedroom into a media room.  We took out the twin bed and sold it to some nice island girls. We purch...