Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Solar Part 2

When I last reported, the contractor was building the solar bunker to house the equipment and batteries for solar power.  The bunker has been completed and the door has been installed.  That left the painting. We thought we could do that that part ourselves.  What were we thinking?
We have been working on the painting for a month. First we had to let all the plaster dry.  Our painter friend gave us an instrument to measure the moisture content.  This was followed by painting a sealer on all the surfaces inside and out of the bunker.  The sealer dried for a week.  We proceeded with a coat of white paint and waited for drying.  The second coat went on and we waited again.

We painted the floor with two coats of some grey paint we had from painting chairs.  It was too smooth and sticky.  Our painter friend said: " Use this two part epoxy to harden the paint.  You must sand the floor first" . Now the floor has four coats of paint and sealers.

We got up early (7 am for Rick and 8 am for me) on paint days.  It was cooler in the morning to paint and we had all day to recover.  

What a process it has been. The bunker is now completed.  Rick has cut, sanded, painted and installed the security spikes on the top of the bunker and it now looks like a little castle.

We will install a small air conditioner to keep the batteries cool and dry. The whole reason for the bunker was to protect the batteries.

All we need now is the delivery and installation of solar panels and equipment.  This may be like waiting for our paint to dry.



  1. Looks great, I am sure now that it is finished it was worth all that work

  2. Didn’t know about keeping the batteries cool


Shipping Furniture

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