Monday, February 24, 2025

Dushi Balls

Bocce league has started again. This is our group that plays every Sunday at the local Bocce lanes.  We only play each other because the Dutch play a similar game called  "jeu de Boules" and won't play with us.  The Dutch are very serious ball players and they don't appreciate our trash talking, drinking, or loud cheering. They also play with heavy silver balls and have different rules that we have yet to understand.  So we play teams of three or two depending on how many people show up.

We used to play at a bar outside of town however, they catered to the Dutch teams and had tournaments which kicked us off the lanes for a month.  Our illustrious team founder and manager located new playing lanes. 


We have to maintain our Bocce lanes. This includes leveling, cutting weeds, and pulling weeds.  The local recreation center has maintained the parking lot area and provided benches and some shade.  Their efforts have been minimal.  Ours, on the other hand, have been frequent and effective.  We now have  playable lanes and they are reserved just for the Dushi Balls.

Our team name Dushi Balls is made from a Papiamentu word "Dushi" meaning "sweetheart", "babe" or even "sexy. It can be used for both men and women and is a term of endearment. It can also be used in describing food as "tasty".  

You have to be willing to make your own good times. Two of our team mates made score keepers from wood food boxes and cloths pins.  So creative and very useful.  Our manager designed our logo, shipped in our balls from the States as well as our t-shirts. We all pitch in to maintain the lanes. We also bring adult beverages and snacks just like the moms do for youth team... minus the alcohol.

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