Our hunt for the replacement furniture was done on line. We located a model that we really liked but we didn't know if it was comfortable. Keep in mind, that Rick is very tall and I am very short. Buying furniture that fits both of us is hard.
We enlisted the help of our son and daughter- in-law in the States because they have similar body types to ours and there was a store in their town that carried the furniture we wanted. They tried out the recliners in the store and said that they were comfortable for both of them. Now we were ready to order and ship.We ordered the furniture from a store in Miami. They delivered the couch to AMCAR (also in Miami) which is a shipping company that specializes in shipments from the US to the Dutch Caribbean. AMCAR ships by cargo boat to Racargo which is a receiving company on Bonaire. Once it goes through customs, Racargo delivers it to us.Bonaire Bobs
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Shipping Furniture
Monday, February 24, 2025
Dushi Balls
Monday, February 17, 2025
4 Years on Bonaire
This was my first post on Bonaire Bobs blog:
So Bonaire Bobs blog documents our story. We (my husband Rick and myself) wanted to share our adventure in selecting an island, moving, settling in and living as ex-pats. So this is our story...
Our front door. I am not going to lie, it was a real HGTV moment. The minute we walked in we couldn't believe our dream came true. I cried and Rick gave me a hug and kiss and we were finally at home on the island.
Friday, January 3, 2025

This is island life in December. We hop from party to party, gatherings with friends and eating good food. Plus there are a lot of adult beverages involved. Most people will choose to have a dry January. Rick and I will continue to party until we can't.
Saturday, December 21, 2024
Solar Part 3
Our solar guys moved the 14 collection panels to the roof. They attached them using the screws already on the roof so no new wholes were made (which was a requirement from me) to eliminate any roof leaks. The panels are on the east, south and west sides of the roof for maximum collection from the sun.

The bunker (which was built under the Mango tree months ago) is now home to two batteries and a solar inverter. This set up should supply us power throughout the night without having to use power from WEB, our utility company
On the first night of solar, our batteries were charged but they were not releasing power into the house. Our solar guys monitored the system as did Rick on his phone app. They both noticed the issue. Since China is 10 hours time different than Bonaire, our solar guys had to wait to talk with the Chinese engineers to solve the issue. 24-hours later we were up and running with power generation and usage.
Washing Machine
Nothing is easy. I got a top load washer. Most of the European washers are front load. The change required that we retrofit the laundry closet. Rick had to take out the butcher block shelf and all the associated screws and boards. The new machine also required new plumbing configuration and a transformer to keep it from frying when there are power surges. The delivery guys took away the old washer, put in the new washer and connected all the water and wastewater pipes. The delivery and set was only $35.
Monday, December 16, 2024
'tis the season
Lac Cai
We took a Sunday drive to Lac Cai which is on the east side of the island. We were specifically looking for a hidden beach but found lots of other great spots. On our way we saw a flock of flamingos and they were close enough to get photos. We always see donkeys on the roads and streets but seldom horses. I think there is a horse riding stable somewhere on the island and this guy was probably out for a walk. I took his photo
as he stood in the middle of road.
The road was a mess. Bumps, ruts, and puddles which required careful driving at 20 kmh. It took us 30 minutes to get there which is a lot of time for this island.

There are mounds of conch shells in this small fishing area. Long ago they managed to over harvest conch and they are now protected. However, there are very few left in the Bonaire waters. Only the shells remain of their past indiscretions.
Thursday, November 28, 2024
A friend gave me a can of pumpkin that has been in her panty for a year. I found the Cool Whip at a Chinese market in Hato (a community in the north part of the island). Pie crusts were located at an old grocery store in town. The evaporated milk was found at our regular grocery store.
Pumpkin Pie ✔
Turkey ✔
I looked at 10 stores for cranberries. There were no fresh cranberries on the island. I ran into the Editor of the newspaper, who was also looking for supplies, and she told me that the expensive speciality store had a big bag of cranberries.Our grocery store had cranberries in a jar that looked cooked and mashed. I found dried cranberries everywhere. I was still looking for fresh. The Editor and I met up at three subsequent stores look for our supplies.
Cranberries ✔
Shipping Furniture
Two years ago we turned our small third bedroom into a media room. We took out the twin bed and sold it to some nice island girls. We purch...

I know everyone is wondering if we ever solved our pickle problem. The answer is: well sort of. We went to the "Costco" of Bonair...
Easter weekend on Bonaire. Two cruise ships (one left before I got a photo). The locals camp on the beaches for the long weekend. There ...
Our Grandson took his Advanced Divers certification course while visiting Bonaire. One of the options in the class is to do a night dive. H...