Monday, May 17, 2021


The pool boy (aka Rick) has had to pick up the pace lately.  With the Sahara dust and the high winds the pool is constantly full of dirt and palm tree trash. Cleaning the pool is an every day chore. 

Our pool cover in Colorado helped keep the pool clean and warm (although the pool heater did most of the work). This pool is exposed to the elements.  It is a saltwater pool heated by the sun. The pump that circulates the water is electric. The pool boy runs on Mojitos and fish sandwiches.

We got our water and electricity bill from WEB (our energy company). It was around $300 for a month. This includes air conditioning which is like heating during the winter months in Colorado, other electricity and trash pickup. Its been an even trade with utility costs.

We have cut our communication costs.  The VPN and Netflix cost about $30 and month and we don't have cable.

Our Google Fi phone service costs are the same.  Using WhatsApp has kept that cost down.

Drinking Bailey's on ice and watching movies in paradise...pricless!


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