Sunday, May 16, 2021


Salt is a big deal on Bonaire.  We are constantly amazed at how they harvest, move and store salt. The Salt ponds are also a constant source of beautiful and interesting photos.  This one was taken on a calm day...and not by me.

Photo by Kent Thomas

They pile up the salt using end loaders and conveyer belts. 

They collect a bucket of salt and dump it into a box that dumps it onto the conveyor belt.  The belt takes it across the road and out to the dock and into the waiting ship.

It is a constant process of piling and moving salt. Boats are coming and going weekly to receive the salt and ship it around the world.

It's a really cool process.  We always stop to watch when we are in the area.  It's fascinating to us to see the operation in action.  


1 comment:

  1. Love all your posts! And your “joie de vivre”!


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