Monday, May 24, 2021


The roads on Bonaire are hideous. Very narrow, no aprons, bad pavement, and full of pot holes. The roads are constantly under construction. Seems like miles of trenches are dug through the already crumbling pavement only to be patched over the cuts.

This is the pot hole division. It consists of an old, small pickup with asphalt mix in the back and two guys with shovels filling holes.  We laughed watching them fill pot holes with this rag-tag group.

The transportation group recently built a roundabout at a busy intersection.  When the project was nearly completed, they discovered that the roundabout was too small for trucks.  They are now in the process of tearing out the roundabout and making it bigger.  This will cost  $1.2 million dollars according to the estimates.

Bicycles, scooters, and golf carts will back up traffic with 20 cars because the road is too narrow to pass. Some of the narrow roads have been made one way. When you go to a dive site on a one-way road, you get to drive all the way around the island to get back to town. The one lane roads that are not one way, require drivers to drive half way off the road so two cars can pass going opposite directions.

The government is studying the road issue.  I am sure they will find a good solution after all they have been studying for years.


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