Saturday, June 19, 2021

Doctor Visit

Once you get residency on Bonaire, health care is free. We registered at the health agency and got appointments with a local doctor. Our purpose was to get medication refills because we only brought a limited supply to the island. 

The doctor has lived on the island for 22 years.  His office looks pretty much like US doctor offices. Examining rooms are similar and nurses are doing the administrative stuff. The doctor, Jan Schrader, sits behind a plexiglas wall (Covid protection) wearing a mask and types all your info into the computer.  He sends your prescriptions to the pharmacy at the hospital. He ordered blood work and lab test that are taken at the hospital lab.  In less than 15 minutes everything was done.

Our appointments were at 8:15 and 8:30 am. We were up so early and done with our appointments that we decided to go to breakfast. We headed over to Rum Runners at Captain Don's Dive Resort . This was the first restaurant we ate at on Bonaire 3 years ago on our first trip. We met a group from Colorado, actually Silverthorne, that had come to dive a week ago.  No one else was at the restaurant.  Tourism has not yet gotten into full swing.

Breakfast was a full two course meal.  It starts with typical Dutch/ Scandinavian food: yogurt, fruit and cold cuts and tuna salad with toast. Then come the eggs, meat, cheese, pancakes and French toast.  I think we won't need to eat again for days.



  1. Rick looked pretty good up there wind surfing! I cannot believe that breakfast you talked about. Good Lord, that would keep you miserably full for a long time.


Shipping Furniture

Two years ago we turned our small third bedroom into a media room.  We took out the twin bed and sold it to some nice island girls. We purch...