Thursday, June 17, 2021

Wind Surfing

Off to Sorobon for wind surfing.  Sororbon Resort sits on Lac Bay a huge shallow (3-4 feet) bay protected by a coral gate.  The water is warm, lots of amenities (like cabanas and drink service on the beach), and a friendly staff of young hospitality school interns.

Rick signed up for lessons and I snagged a cabana and ordered a glass of Prosecco. It proceeded to down pour.  And wind...lots of wind! We headed to the bar and had a couple of beers, then lunch and waited for the sky to clear.

The lessons began and soon Rick was windsurfing. He spent two hours falling off and getting back on the board, lifting the sail out of the water and learning to turn.  His teacher, Storm, said he was a natural.  He probably is paid to say that to all the tourists.

It was a lot of work to learn this sport.  As a result, Rick's body was sore and bruised. He is not deterred and we will head back to Sorobon in a few days.

The resort was empty.  This is usually a busy place for Dutch tourists and families. The cabins for the resort open right onto the beach and give you the beachcomber feel. Dutch schools are out for summer break next week, so the staff was expecting things to pick up.

It was a perfect day for us. 

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