Saturday, July 3, 2021

Hurricane Elsa

Hurricane Elsa is having an impact on Bonaire. Our skies are blue with some clouds.  The wind is picking up and should be around 24 mph tonight into Sunday morning as the storm passes northeast of our island.

Today we went for walk on the beach. The wind was blowing in 4 foot waves causing saltwater mist to hang in the sky.  Our glasses got cloudy and we got covered with salt water. It was quite an experience to see our usually calm walking beach turn into an onslaught of wild wave action. 

We are on the leeward side of a leeward  island.  Typically, that means calmer water.  Not today.

The authorities have warned divers and fishermen about dangerous water and swells. The island is on a code orange (whatever that means). Of course, the warnings come in Dutch but the pictures tell us the story. The divers are now hanging on land until better water conditions.  The kite boarders, however, are loving the wave action. 

It has once again been proven that hurricanes seldom hit the ABC Islands area.  


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