Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Oh Crap

I know that talking about sewage is not very socially polite. However, for those of us that live with septic tanks, it's a big deal.

Bonaire does not have a wastewater system that reaches all parts of the island. Most houses have a septic system that needs to be pumped out periodically. The trick is to figure out when it's full and when it needs pumping.  You certainly wouldn't want it to over flow...ever!

We have a big-ass septic tank that collects all wastewater from toilets, washing machines, dishwasher, and showers. It is located underground and has three chambers with large outlet pipes. 

The only way to figure out when it's nearing capacity is to look inside the three chambers that hold the waste.  As new home owners, we have no idea how long the capacity will last and how often we must  empty it.  So we called the "honey-dipper" (actually, they are called Damascus Disposal Services). You get an immediate response and they come to your house within 24 hours and usually on the same day you call. This is one service that does not have any dilly-dallying....thank God.

The guys come and snaked a huge pipe from the truck to the septic system and suck out all the sewage in a matter of 15 minutes. They also look in the tank to see how full it it.  The two guys that came were not conversationalists. First of all, they didn't speak a lick of English. Secondly, I don't think they are used to people talking to them because of their line of business.

We are no longer full of shit.



  1. Well, your septic tank is no longer full of $hit, but as for the "we"......who knows!

  2. Shovel it in, shit it out, that’s what food is all about! I just realized that none of my replies were being posted. You obviously didn’t miss much, but I’m glad we are connected now!

  3. Lol...had a septic system at home in KS and in the house I grew up in. Got in trouble for taking too many showers...so glad that is no more!


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