Saturday, August 7, 2021


We have been searching for a greenhouse for our back yard.  Rick has always wanted to grow veggies and he loves planting and growing things.  We think we can grow some of our food.  A screened structure is necessary so that the critters (iguanas, lizards, birds, frogs) don't eat the veggies.  So we set out searching for the ideal set up.

As usual, it became a treasure hunt. Each stop sent us to another possibility. We asked our network who they knew that could build a greenhouse or would have a pre-fab for us. We asked our gardener, liquor store owner, electrician, and neighbors for leads.  We discovered that the language barrier (English to Dutch) was a problem.  It seems that everyone thought we were looking for a commercial greenhouse to buy produce.  

Our first stop was an industrial site that made structures for commercial use. The admin person sent us to the commercial growing house on the island. Krusada was a locked and secure facility that also didn't understand that we wanted to buy a green house not produce.

We went to Kooyman (the Home Depot of Bonaire), Dijtham (a new hardware store), Green Label (our plant and landscaping store), and we Googled it and looked on Amazon thinking we could get one shipped. We also researched small construction companies that do carpentry and small projects. No luck. 

We were walking the neighborhood and saw a greenhouse. Eureka! It was exactly what we wanted.  We met the home owner who allowed us to measure and photograph her greenhouse. The photos and specifications are going to our friendly handyman. It will be built onsite since our door ways will not allow a structure to be moved into our garden. 

Another successful treasure hunt.


1 comment:


The house is a constant repair and update project.  Most building materials do not last in this weather. The salt air and soil, water, wind ...