Thursday, August 5, 2021


When we are not walking on the beach we walk in the Mundu (Papiamento for the world used to describe the native countryside). It is composed of low growth trees and thorn bushes.  Most of the trails have been created by donkeys or goats that roam free in the Mundu.

As we were walking through the neighborhood we discovered these trail heads.  These trails take us through the bush up to the airport boundaries and back through the neighborhood.  Makes a nice two mile-plus walking loop from our house.  Our property is convenient to the Mundu. 

At one point on the trail, it goes into the bush over sand hills.  If you miss this turn you will be forever lost in the Mundu.  Someone has nicely marked this trail turn with a blue visor and a pile of rocks.  No matter how many times we walk this way, we are always thankful to see this marker.  We would miss this turn without a sign.

We do duck under the low bushes.  It's perfect for four foot tall donkeys but not a 6"2' guy. The trail is just wide enough for a donkey.

Most times, we have the trail to ourselves.  Once in a while we see dog walkers. 
We walk at 7:00 am or 5:30 pm because it is cooler at those time than the middle of the day.

Sand piles left from the construction of the airport add some topography to our walk. We also get to see abandoned planes, rusty construction equipment no long in use and the rock and sand quarry used for the airport.


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The house is a constant repair and update project.  Most building materials do not last in this weather. The salt air and soil, water, wind ...