Tuesday, September 7, 2021


The Dutch have a thing for mayonnaise.  It is served with everything...fries, sandwiches, burgers, steaks, seafood, and snacks.  It is not enough to serve plain mayo.  Sometimes they mix in ketchup, curry, dill, or onions.

Bread is not served with butter but with mayo.

Fries are the preferred side to everything. they are served at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Never served with ketchup, always with mayo or fries sauce call "fritssaus". Fritssaus is similar to mayonnaise, but is leaner and usually sweeter than mayo.

You can order fries without sauce by saying "patat zonder" (patat is another word for fries). "patat met" translates to: fries with (no need to add mayo). And one more: "patat pinda" is fries with peanut sauce.

Our neighbors who returned from visiting family in Holland explained one other way to eat fries.  "Patat oorlog" translates to: war fries.  They are topped with mayo, peanut sauce and chopped white onions.

The Dutch treat fries like Americans treat hot dogs.  You can put anything on them.

1 comment:

  1. Randy would love this cause he loves Mayo on just about everything


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