Monday, November 8, 2021


We hung a sun shade above our pot garden (not marijuana!) during the heat of the summer.  It seemed to help the distressed plants. We have learned that the planting season starts in November and harvest is August and September.  Starting plants in the heat of the summer was a rookie mistake. 

We have drawn-up plans for a screened in growing hut.  It's been put on hold as we have other projects that have taken priority. It is interesting that we have not had critters partake of the fruits of our labor. Maybe we don't need the screen hut?

We do have about a handful of grape tomatoes that have turned red. Our large tomato plant did not produce much except for some tiny green tomatoes.  The plants are spindly and look weak.  We think it's the heat. 

I purchased seeds while I was in the States. I will use them to start new plants.  Seeds are also available on the island now that it's growing season.

We also harvested some of the Mexican oregano. We carried live plants from the States and planted them.  They were doing so well that we trimmed them to encourage more growth.  We have been drying the leaves for two weeks now.  With humidity of 60 percent, it's hard to get things to dry.  Because the wind blows, the leaves have to be covered when drying outside.

Our basil plant got "barky" so we replaced it with another plant.  It seems they have a life span no matter how much you trim and encourage new growth.


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