Monday, November 8, 2021

Parrots After Mangos

After the Mango Wars, the parrots have turned their attention to eating the pea pods that drop from this bush in our yard.

I have tried many times to get photos of these guys.  However, they are really shy.  Like fish, they don't pose for photos. If you get too close they fly away.

They also comes in two's.  You hear them coming as they have a loud screech. They check out the mango tree first and then search for other edibles.

This picture has the two parrots that we have been watching.  Not the best picture but for me it's as good as it gets.

The red flowers on this bush also attract hummingbirds.  Hummingbirds are even harder to photograph as they are quick little guys and usually gone by the time I get my camera.

Now that we are not fighting over mangos, these parrots are very interesting to us.  They are endangered....probably because locals stone them for eating mango off their trees.


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