Wednesday, December 15, 2021


Rainy season, which has lasted a week (so far), left mud everywhere. Not just puddles. Every dirt road is a mud slick, pot holed, slippery mess.  The entire island is muddy.

This is our first rainy season.  It rains several times a day. The wind blows in a rain cloud.  It dumps its load and is blown to the next island. 

We used to see photos of Honduras, Costa Rico, Puerto Rico, Haiti and Dominican Republic having gushing storms that created mud slides and washed out roads.  Now I understand. When it rains it pours and turns the fine soil into mud. It also makes the islands green and lush.

The sun comes out and it is glorious again. 


Nothing is worse than having muddy flip flops.  We have to wash off our flip flops after every excursion.  

The car on the other hand, will stay dirty until the roads dry up.

When the snow melted after ski season, it created mud season in the Mountains. We have the same season just a different locale.

Welcome to mud season.


1 comment:

  1. At least you are getting moisture. We are in desperate need of moisture here in Colorado. We have had very little snow so far and a bunch of wind. I would love to see rain or snow.


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