Saturday, December 11, 2021


We drove up to Seru Largu (means large hill) a 300 foot high hill on Bonaire.  It's a big tourist attraction because you can see a 360 view of the island.  We picked a day with no cruise ships so we could enjoy the solitude and the view without tourists and buses.

At the top of the hill is a religious monument, a big viewing plaza and benches. The monuments reads: "Kristu Ayera Awe Semper" in Papiamentu, which means "Christ, Yesterday, Today and Forever". 

What a grand view we had of our island.  We could see all the neighborhoods, downtown Kralendijk, and all the undeveloped land. Klein (little in Dutch) Bonaire is the little island off of Bonaire.  We could see all of Klein Bonaire from the summit of the hill. 

There were these crazy big trees on the hill.  We have never seen big, gnarly trees like this on Bonaire.

The road to Seru Largu was newly paved. This road doesn't get much traffic.  F
or some reason, it got to the top of the re-paving list. All the other main roads in Bonaire have crappy pavement, pot holes and crumbling edges.  We never know how they decide what to pave.  It is not based on need or usage. Rincon, a small interior island town, also has a lot of new pavement.  I am thinking the government officials must live in these two areas and that is why they get new roads.  Just a thought.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photos and how awesome to see the view of the island. The church looks really beautiful and the tree is very unique. I didn't realize you would see so much on the island!!


Shipping Furniture

Two years ago we turned our small third bedroom into a media room.  We took out the twin bed and sold it to some nice island girls. We purch...