Monday, March 21, 2022

Beach Tennis

Behind the Budget Marine building is our new favorite restaurant, Yhanni's. Beyond Yhanni's is a walking park that has been landscaped with reclaimed local stuff.  It's a manicured desert with cacti, trimmed trees, and a  walking path lined with rocks. This is located at kaminda djabou. 

The path leads to, what we thought, was  a recreational arena.  It looked like a bunch of volleyball courts.  There was a covered storage container which usually means its an official "building" of some sort. Netting surrounds the arena and spectator seating was sprinkled around the area. There was a billboard with advertising.

The arena has white sand with outlines that look like volleyball courts. The walls are lined with company logos sponsoring the facility. It even has lighting for night time play.

I found out that these are really beach tennis courts. Beach tennis is played on a volleyball court using stingless paddles with holes and non-pressurized tennis balls.  It has replaced beach volleyball on Bonaire. There are three similar facilities on the island. The sport is super popular with the locals.  They even have tournaments!  



1 comment:

  1. Interesting about tennis on sand. Have you/Rick tried to play it yet? I'd think it might be fun.


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