Saturday, April 23, 2022


The tourists are always upset about the dogs laying in front of the grocery store.  They are convinced that the dogs are strays and must be fed and watered. 

The truth is the dogs all have owners that love and feed them.  The dogs have learned that they can get treats from the people leaving the store.  There is always a water bucket for them. They look sad because it's hot laying on the pavers waiting for treats.

Bonaire is battling a dog problem.  They have lots of stray dogs that have become aggressive causing the authorities to put them down.  The dogs that are kept at houses bark constantly and are causing problems for neighbors as the dog owners will not control the barking.  The over population of dogs is caused by the owners whom are not willing to spay or neuter their dogs.  The government has started an education program to tell dog owners to be responsible for their dogs.  It seems that irresponsible dog owners are a problem the world around.

1 comment:

  1. Holy smokes that's amazing there are that many dogs. It's so sad that people can be so careless with their dogs. It isn't the poor dogs fault that people won't spay them.
    If I was shopping at the store I'd try to buy plenty of treats for the dogs, although I'm sure that would attract more to the store. :-(


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