Tuesday, April 26, 2022

BC Donation

It amazes me how few local kids dive.  Its probably because the equipment and training is expensive.  They seldom have an opportunity to be PADI trained.  There are also few programs that teach environmental protection issues to school age children.

STINAPA (national park organization that protects the coral sea around the island) has a program called Bonaire Junior Rangers.  It is an educational youth group that is designed to create opportunities to learn about the natural world and help the environment. Their nature education activities, allow teenagers to come in contact with nature, so they can learn about conservation programs on Bonaire. They have a program to teach youngsters how to dive, become rescue divers and certified dive masters.

I brought one of the BC's (an abbreviation for buoyance control for those of you who are not divers) that I had with me to Bonaire with the hope of selling or giving it away.  It's a size small which in no way will fit me at this stage of my life. I donated it through VIP Dive Shop as they sponsor the Junior Rangers.

Hopefully, it will go to a local teenager who will love it and use it as I have.



  1. Did you outgrow the BC or how long have you had it. That looks like a great thing to have so you can stay in the water and not have to keep swimming (I guess).
    BTW, I love all the postings that you do. You are amazing how much you write about everything and I find it interesting!!

    1. The BC was old and I had it for a long time. I wore it when I was thinner. I am so glad you like my blog. thanks for reading it!

  2. What a nice thing you did. That kid will be so excited!


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