Thursday, April 28, 2022

Kings Day


It's the season of holidays in Bonaire.  Spring break happens the entire month of April which brings families to Bonaire. Easter and Good Friday are perfect for a four day weekend which results in beach camping and much revery because it signifies the end of Lent.   Labor day follows which gives the population another day off. 

 Kings Day is April 27.  It is the celebration of the Dutch King Willem-Alexander's birthday.  Everyone wears orange to signify the Dutch royal house of orange. King's Day has not been celebrated in three years due to Covid lock downs so this was a big year to celebrate.

The traditional food for the holiday is a classic Dutch delicacy called orange tompucen.  Tompucen is a puff pastry with sweet custard cream in between the top and bottom layers.  It is spread with orange frosting to commemorate King's Day.  Bakeries work days ahead to prepare enough of this tasty treat for the masses.

In Holland, garage sales are not legal except on Kings Day.  Apparently the crown can not collect taxes on items sold at garage sales so they outlawed them except for this one day.  In Bonaire, everyone was having porch sales (because we don't have garages) selling everything from housewares to cars and clothing.  Liquor stores, some grocery stores, and of course government offices were closed on King's Day.

I would liken King's Day to America's President's Day.  Everyone gets a day off and an excuse to party and celebrate.

1 comment:

  1. That pastry sounds really yummy!! So did you and Rick wear orange to celebrate the holiday??


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