Saturday, April 2, 2022

Trash to Art

Where do discarded shoes, flip flops and boots end up on Bonaire? 

While out exploring, I found this amazing artwork at Lagun. It is thousands of used flips flops, boots and shoes that are laid out on the ground to spell out: "i 💓 Bonaire".

This display was all children's shoes surrounded by toilet seats.  It is the dot at the the top of the "i" in "i 💓 Bonaire".


The flips flops, shoes and boots are sorted by color and laid out on the ground. These flip flops are arranged to represent the planet.  Blue shoes make up the water, brown shoes are the land and its outlined with black colored shoes. 
The heart is outlined with gold colored shoes.

Boots and sneakers are arranged in a heart shape.  The shoes are arranged on the ground  without being tied down. Amazing that they stay in place with the vicious wind from the sea. 

This display is not far from the landfill on Bonaire.  I suppose this is where they get the discarded shoes as trash and turn it into art. 

1 comment:

  1. Well that's just weird if you ask me. I guess anyone can call something artwork, but it's definitely not my cup of tea.


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