Sunday, May 29, 2022

Retina Repair

I had a retinal detachment in my left eye. No pain just had floaters and flashes.  Since I had a detachment in my right eye many years ago, I recognized the symptoms.

Off to my GP for a referral to the ophthalmologist. Because of the urgency of the issue, they got me in to see the specialist immediately. Usually it takes months to get an appointment. There is only one ophthalmologist on the island.  When she is on vacation they bring one in from Aruba.  Through the repair procedure, I got to see both.

I was very impressed with the level of treatment and at no cost.  The Doctor identified a small tear and was able to use a Laser treatment for the repair.  The procedure was done in the office and took only 15 minutes.  No pain from the procedure just bright lights that make you want to slam your eye shut but you can't because it's dilated and forced open by clamps.

I have periodic check ups over the next month.  I can't lift anything or bend over too much or do anything that puts pressure on my eye.  In 30 days it should be all better and I can get back to my life.  In the meantime, I will just float in the pool and let Ricky-Bob bring me cocktails.


  1. Oh my!! I've never heard about something like that. It's so wonderful you have all kinds of doctors there so you can always get help when you need it. Glad you got it fixed so quickly and how perfect that you have to take it easy and finally have your hubby taking care of you :-)

  2. Nice to know you have someone to look after you 😜

  3. So glad it was a good outcome. Judy


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