Saturday, June 11, 2022


Airco (air conditioning) in Bonaire is a whole different set-up than in the States. Central air and heat ( which we never need) don't seem to be available on the island. Probably because all the buildings are made of concrete and there is no place to put ducts and vents.  At least that's my working theory.

Our house has an airco unit in each bedroom.  The kitchen/lounge area is not air conditioned.....yet. It is efficient because you only turn it on when you need that room cooled. It's sized for the area of the room and operated by remote control.

Each unit has an indoor component with a  compressor placed outside.  A hole is carved in the wall for the connection between the two pieces. Not air tight or attractive but works all the same.

We just replaced one of our four airco units in our new TV room.  Apparently these units only last about 6-8 years. We purchased a Daikin which is an international company out of Japan. We saw brands that I usual associated with electronics or cars:  LG, Panasonic, Gree, and Mitsubishi.

I am sure this is more than you ever wanted to know about airco in Bonaire. It's an essential item for living here.  This summer when it reaches 90+ and the trade winds stop I am going to be lounging in my newly decorated and cooled TV room...or at the pool...or the beach.


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