Saturday, October 8, 2022

Amsterdam #2

We spent another day in Amsterdam on our way back to Bonaire.  It felt comfortable this time as we knew how to get around on the trains and metro. We saw different things this time.

We are still amazed at the vast parking structures for bicycles.  This is a three story structure for bikes. There must be over 100,000 bikes in this parking area.  We were awe struck. how do they ever find their bike?

We visited the floating flower market which is a block of flower shops on the canal.  They had more bulbs than we have ever seen before.  the bulbs were huge and plentiful.  Fresh flowers of all kinds.  It was a lovely spot to visit.

What would the Netherlands be without wooden shoes and cheese?  We didn't see these the first time we were in Amsterdam a month ago.  It was still interesting to us to see these two iconic items in the stores.

The Jews have had a very tough history in the Netherlands and have been persecuted throughout time. While in the historical Jewish area of  Amsterdam we noticed these bronze bricks in the sidewalks.  They are the names of the Jews that were exterminated during WWII. It made us so sad. What a nice lasting tribute to those that lost their lives.

Amsterdam is probably the most diverse city we have visited in terms of  its population.  The contrast between ancient city and the modern new architecture is startling.  It was sunny and hot when we were here a month ago.  Today it was cold, damp and breezy...the way everyone describes the weather in Amsterdam.

Our Amsterdam selfie.  This is the canal in Amsterdam with the floating flower market. 

Next stop: Bonaire.


  1. Looks like you had a fabulous trip! Thanks for sharing your experience! Looking forward to seeing you when you are home!

  2. Wow, those flowers are amazing! Can't imagine a whole block of them. People don't really wear those wooden shoes, do they? I'm assuming just for tourists. Are any of those bikes locked up or do they just pile them there? Like you, I can't imagine how they find their own bike. Safe travels back home. Can't wait to hear all about it when you get home. Hugs!

  3. Looks like you had an amazing time. Lot of history. The tour sounds wonderful. Are you home now?

  4. Holy smokes about all those bikes. If it would be me and I left a bike there I'd spend years trying to find mine. When I park my car in a large parking lot and come out of a store many times I forget which row I park it in.
    Did you try to wear any of the wooden shoes and do you see a lot of folks wearing them? I'd think they'd be very uncomfortable.
    Love your selfie!! You both look wonderful and completely relaxed.


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